Welcome to CAAPLearn

Welcome to the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania's on demand learning Library

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We understand the unique needs for Community Action Agencies training needs. CAAPLearn Courses are tailored for CAA's success in mind.

CAAPLearn houses hundreds of training recordings, courses, and resources to help your agency execute on training requirements, on-boarding, and so much more.

Why CAAPLearn?

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Drive Employee Retention and Alleviate Administrative Burden

The 2022 LinkedIn Global Talent Trends Report found that employees believe professional development is the number one way to improve company culture. It is more important now than ever to offer your staff or members unique ways to drive professional development. CAAPLearn covers the basics so that you can invest time in more dynamic and detailed opportunities for providing professional development.

CAAPLearn provides a one stop shop your organization can implement as a solution for new employee onboarding, meeting state CSBG Directives, board onboarding, and so much more. 


Our courses are sourced with content from qualified experts to ensure that your organization is meeting best practices and operational excellence across all your administrative functioning needs. 


CAAPLearn is free to all staff of any Community Action Association Members. Not sure if you're a member, check here ⮕

Not a member?

CAAPLearn is open to partners looking to alleviate administrative burdens and drive employee retention. Inquire about partnership for your organization ⬇
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C.A.P. Infinity 2.0: Continuous Improvement Certification Program

C.A.P. (Community Action Program) Infinity 2.0 is a continuous improvement certification program designed specifically for Community Action Agencies. C.A.P. Infinity programming is flexible, offered on-demand and at a learners own pace. It is designed to provide all staff with baseline knowledge and how to implement continuous improvement principles in the day to day.

We’re thrilled to introduce CAP Infinity 2.0! We've upgraded our original CAP Infinity courses by incorporating user feedback and insights from Community Action and continuous improvement expertsCAP Infinity 2.0 emphasizes how continuous improvement is woven into the fabric of Community Action work. The courses spotlight practical tools and techniques that can be immediately implemented, and they introduce the Organizational Wellness Model — a holistic approach to fostering continuous improvement throughout an entire organization. We’ve enhanced the focus on Community Action to showcase what makes our network unique, the support we provide, and the mission we serve.

Learn More about C.A.P. Infinity 2.0 Courses

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